2016 was a great year for new pregnancy books! Of course, as is my annual tradition, I have created a list of my favorite and the best pregnancy books of 2016. Enjoy!
The Best Pregnancy Books of 2016

UPDATE: Just for fun, here are the most recent years’ pregnancy book posts.
The Best Pregnancy Books of 2017
The Best Pregnancy Books of 2018
Adult Coloring Books
Relaxing Coloring Book For Pregnant Women – Inner Soul Journey
by Shira Kidron
Summary: This book, Relaxing Coloring Book for Pregnant Women, is perfect for those needing to slow down, zone out and get in touch with their creativity. Pregnancy in itself is such creative work, it makes sense for our hands to mirror that work too. It’s a smaller book, 10×10, making it a perfect fit for a purse or backpack. The designs are tiny and intricate which can be a pro or con, depending on preference. This book would be a great shower gift or for a mom on bedrest due to pregnancy complications. Don’t forget the colored pencils! (If you’re looking for an adult coloring book that focuses on giving birth, you’ll love Blissful Birth.)
Diastasis Recti
The Whole Body Solution to Abdominal Weakness and Separation
by Katy Bowman
Summary: When I found out about Diastasis Recti I was so excited that I pre-ordered it. And it did not disappoint! I appreciated Katy guiding me through WHY diastasis recti occurs before explaining how to heal from it. I enjoyed her style so much that I bought one of her DVDs and am slowly implementing her ideas in my daily life. Hello long walks and half domes! I HIGHLY recommend Diastasis Recti to all women – pregnant or not. This is my favorite book on this list of the best pregnancy books of 2016!
Expectant Blessings
Prayers, Poems, and Devotions for You and Your Baby
by Susanna Foth Aughtmon
Summary: Expectant Blessings is broken up into 40 small chapters, one for every week of pregnancy. In each chapter are easy to digest, relatable and thought provoking prayers, scriptures and other writings that will inspire throughout pregnancy. Expectant Blessings would make a great gift for someone that has just announced their pregnancy.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
The Complete Guide
by: Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley, Ann Keppler, Janelle Durham and April Bolding
Summary: In my humble opinion, Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn should replace the wildly popular What to Expect When You’re Expecting books. The revised edition of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn is a thorough, evidence-based read that you can trust. Author Penny Simkin is a well-known author on all things “having a baby” and pushes evidence based research, even when it’s not what mainstream medicine wants to hear. And for that I’m thankful!
Real Food for Mother and Baby
The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two, and Baby’s First Foods
by Nina Planck
Summary: Real Food for Mother and Baby is not like any other pregnancy diet book out there! Nina Planck suggests a diet of traditional foods like raw milk, pastured eggs and meat and you guessed it, a diet free from processed foods like white sugar, margarine and corn syrup. Planck guides you through the definition of real food and how to use that knowledge to boost fertility, a healthy pregnancy diet and even baby’s first foods. If you’re wanting to be the healthiest form of you on into parenting, Real Food for Mother and Baby is for you!
The First Forty Days
The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother
by Heng Ou, Amely Greeven, and Marisa Belger
Summary: I think of all this books on this list of the best pregnancy books of 2016, The First Forty Days is the one I’m most excited about. Finding quality books about traditional postpartum healing is so rare! The First Forty Days is a simple plan of nourishment and support that will help a new mother deliberately plan for a healthy and happy postpartum, just like pregnancy and childbirth.
“A woman’s postpartum experience might be given a brief not at the end of a pregnancy book, or thirty seconds of footage at the end of a TV show, but a deeper look almost never occurs. Rather than get invited to take a sacred time-out after delivering her child, the new mother is more likely met with pressure to “bounce back”-back to her pre-pregnancy productivity, back to her pre-pregnancy body, and back to her pre-pregnancy spirits. But when it comes to becoming a mother, there is no back: there is only through.”
2016 Kindle New Releases
Give Birth A Chance
How to Prepare for an Empowered VBAC
by Ilia Blandina
Summary: Give Birth A Chance is a guidebook on how to navigate the terrain of the mind and our culture when preparing to go against the grain and plan for a vaginal delivery after a cesarean or two. Blandina is an certified nurse midwife and an EFT practitioner which is a synergistic combination for the VBAC movement. However, I don’t think this book is for every woman planning a VBAC. Much of the information presented seemed anecdotal, polarizing, “new age” or already said. If you’re looking for something new, however, the chapters describing exactly how to use EFT in relation to preparing for a VBAC are unique and likely helpful. If you have an open mind and are willing to try new things, then Give Birth A Chance is for you.
2016 Audible New Releases
The following are not new books, but new audio book releases through Audible. I am a huge fan of Audible, and have listened to many books while driving my kids to and fro. Sometimes, it’s the easiest way to “read” a book. Try a free Audible membership today!
Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding
by: Ina May Gaskin
Summary: If you are an Ina May Gaskin fan, you will love Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding. This book is more than just a breastfeeding “how to”, but talks about the big picture – delayed cord clamping, vaccinations immediately following birth, co-sleeping and even nipple-phobia and how it all relates to the success of the mother-baby breastfeeding relationship. Gaskin is relatable but isn’t afraid to say what needs to be said in order to bring healthy change to the intended audience (American women). Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding would be a great book to listen to on Audible!
It Starts with the Egg
How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF
by: Rebecca Fett
Summary: Infertility sucks. It is one of the hardest things I’ve ever dealt with, and my experience was minor in comparison with the other stories I’ve heard. It Starts with the Egg is a groundbreaking read full of research and practical advice on how to produce high quality eggs to therefore increase the chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. If infertility is the path you’re on, it is definitely one of the best infertility books to read.
Mindful Birthing
Training the Mind, Body, and Heart for Childbirth and Beyond
by: Nancy Bardacke
Summary: One of the most powerful coping tools parents bring to birth is the ability to be “in the present moment”. Birth happens right now – not where you’ve been or where you think you’re going – but right now. Mindful Birthing is dedicated to teaching parents how to be mindful, aware and the present moment. As a Birthing From Within childbirth educator I appreciate so much what this book brings to the table. I highly recommend it!
The Mindful Mom-to-Be
A Modern Doula’s Guide to Building a Healthy Foundation from Pregnancy Through Birth
by: Lori Bregman
Summary: I love how The Mindful Mom-to-Be does not disconnect the body/mind/spirit of the mother. In each chapter you will find visualization guides, breathing techniques, nutrition tips and recipes that all build a healthy foundation for your birth and new baby. There is a chapter for each month of pregnancy and another for labor, birth and beyond. Chapter titles include “Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby”, “Mothering Yourself”, “Cultivate Your Intuition”, “Being Present” and “Living in Joy”. There is even a section on birth plans. For any natural mama, The Mindful Mom-to-Be is a must listen!
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
by: Diane Wiessinger, Diana West and Teresa Pitman
Summary: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is a tried and true breastfeeding book that has stood the test of time. Now that it has been released through Audible, I’m hopeful that its solid advice will make its way into the lives of more new mothers. Many women have found it to be unhelpful, however, because the underlying tone of the book supports the idea that that it’s best for moms to stay at home with their babies. Understandably so, women who choose otherwise for whatever reason, have found that message to be unhelpful. Other than that, I highly recommend The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. 😉
The Best Pregnancy Books of 2016
Just to recap, here is the list of the best pregnancy books of 2016. Thanks for reading!

- Relaxing Coloring Book for Pregnant Women
- Diastasis Recti
- Expectant Blessings
- Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
- Real Food for Mother and Baby
- The First Forty Days
- (Kindle) Give Birth A Chance
- (Audible) Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding
- (Audible) It Starts with the Egg
- (Audible) Mindful Birthing
- (Audible) The Mindful Mom-to-Be
- (Audible) The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Ilia Blandina
Wednesday 1st of February 2017
Love it! Thank you so much for reviewing my book. I would love to talk.
Blessings & Peace Ilia