14 weeks pregnant marks the beginning of the second trimester. Yay, you did it! You made it through a whole trimester! You’re 1/3 done cooking your baby. 🙂
At the beginning of the second trimester many parents start to notice a “baby bump” poking out and see their bodies changing shape. Baby is the size of a lemon! Things shift around and adjust to a growing baby inside a uterus. Some may even feel early movement in the beginning of the second trimester, although most won’t.

Second Trimester Morning Sickness
Morning sickness may have resolved, but it’s not uncommon for these yucky symptoms to show themselves well into the second trimester. Surprise! 😉 Keep using those morning sickness tips to feel better and know that things will likely get better very soon.
14 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump
14 weeks pregnant is an awkward time for a woman’s body. This is the stage where she doesn’t look pregnant – there’s no obvious baby belly, but she doesn’t look like her old self either. She may just look like she ate a big meal – it’s a food baby! 😉
For those that have already had a baby, the body starts “showing” a lot earlier than a first pregnancy. Your body knows what to do!
Belly Photos @ 14 Weeks
Below are two photos I took of myself during my second pregnancy at 14 weeks. My uterus still wasn’t “showing” but it had pushed all my fat and organs up and out. You can see that my belly wouldn’t fit into maternity clothes quite yet, but wearing stretchy skirts and pants had become a must.

Nuchal Translucency Screening Results
Also around 14 weeks, parents will get the results back from their first trimester nuchal translucency screening, if that is something they’ve opted to do. This result shows the probably of having a baby with trisomy 18 and/or down syndrome.
Fetal Movement at 14 Weeks
One of the best parts of the second trimester is starting to feel fetal movement – one of the best parts of pregnancy! With my first pregnancy I didn’t feel movement until I was 17 weeks pregnant, but during my second pregnancy I felt the faintest movement at 14 weeks! Either way, expect to start feeling baby.

What Does Fetal Movement Feel Like at 14 Weeks?
For me, fetal movement at 14 weeks felt like a weak pulse, or a weak muscle twitch. Another way to describe it is really small gas bubbles. The feeling is so light and faint that it will make most parents second guess themselves every time it happens. For this pregnancy I was surprised to feel movement so early, especially since my uterus is tilted/retroverted! As the weeks progress and baby gets bigger and stronger, it will become more obvious if was baby… or just our overactive imaginations. 🙂
The Second Trimester is For Fun!
The second trimester is what I call “the fun trimester”. Morning sickness symptoms usually resolve, energy returns, and baby isn’t so big quite yet. To learn more about the second trimester, check out some of the links below.
Alicia @ Alicia's Homemaking
Thursday 14th of June 2012
I felt E kick as early as 13/14 weeks!!! :) I was pretty sure of what it was...:) You look AWESOME....I love a bump!
Thursday 14th of June 2012
Yippeeee for second trimester! We visited Brooklyn a few years back. Had a great breakfast at Tom's Restaurant and a fun time at the Brooklyn Super Hero Company. It might be something fun G might enjoy. I hear the Zoo is fun, we would have gone if we had a kiddo in tow.
Thursday 14th of June 2012