As a childbirth instructor, I am fascinated by pain, our responses to it, and how to make painful experiences better. Because of this, I have found many, many ways to decrease the suffering of women and to make birth more enjoyable. And yes, I believe birth can absolutely be enjoyable!
Over the years I have written down and shared with you all what I’ve discovered about decreasing labor pains. Some of it is more obvious information, like changing laboring positions. And some of it is less known and obvious. For example, did you know that when you keep your eyes open during an experience of pain your perception of pain is lessened? Crazy, but true.
The following is a compilation of Mother Rising’s best work on the subject of decreasing labor pains. I hope that you click through, learn a few things, and are able to apply them to your upcoming birth.
PS – Make sure to read the comments on How to Get Through Transition Without an Epidural. They are quite inspiring!
Decreasing Labor Pains: A New Parents Guide

Decreasing Labor Pains: A New Parents Guide
One of the biggest concerns new parents have is about the pain of childbirth.
"What will it feel like? Will it be more than I can handle? How can I decrease labor pains?
From labor positioning, back labor, to breathing techniques, use Decreasing Labor Pains: A New Parents Guide for an easier childbirth and transition to motherhood.
The Best Labor Breathing Technique for a Natural Birth
This labor breathing technique is extremely effective, women all over the world use it in labor without knowing what it is, is easy to learn on the spot in labor, and can carry a women through the bulk of her labor and delivery.
Not only is this labor breathing technique excellent for a natural birth, but it’s also amazing for a medicated or even a cesarean birth.
3 Relaxation Mistakes New Parents Quickly Make in Labor
Did you know that there are three go-to spots to relax on the body that doulas and other birth professionals target for pain relief during childbirth? Why is relaxation during birth important? Does it really matter that much?
5 Popular Birthing Positions for Reduced Pain and Length
Choosing the best birthing positions can 1) encourage baby to rotate and 2) mom to dilate, therefore allowing for a less painful and shorter labor.
When Lovers Touch, Labor Pain Wanes - It's Remarkable
One thing I’ve noticed is that many woman feel very supported by their partners, so much so that their perception of pain decreases when they work together.
Tips for Natural Birth That Will Decrease Your Pain
Whether you’re dead set on a natural childbirth or just want to see how things go, use Mother Rising’s tips for natural birth to decrease your pain (no matter what’s on your birth plan).
How to Rock Back Labor Like a Boss
Ladies, I’m just going to be honest with you. Back labor sucks. It hurts, and it hurts worse than regular labor. But hang with me, because in this blog post I’m going show you how to rock back labor like a boss. You can do it!
Parents Who Did This between Contractions Reduced Their Pain
When preparing for labor, so much of the focus is on coping through the pain of each contraction that parents forget about the gift of breaks between contractions.
Contractions are not constant, they come and go. During contractions women feel many sensations such as pressure and pain, but between contractions much of this goes away. This is good news!
How to Get Through Transition Without an Epidural | Mother Rising
The transition phase of labor is the shortest but the most intense portion of labor. Transition got its name because it is the part of labor where women transition from stage 1 to stage 2. Stage 2 is pushing so transition happens right before you start pushing.
Having an unmedicated childbirth is totally possible. There are many ways to decrease the sensation of pain and cope well during a natural childbirth. You can do it!
However, many women receive epidurals during the transition phase of labor because they can’t cope and/or their birth team is unable to help them cope. Here are some amazing ideas to help you through this intense portion of labor.
Remember, you can do it!
How to Get Through Painful Labor Before an Epidural
This blog post is all about how to get through painful labor before an epidural. It isn’t about whether or not a woman should get an epidural. Maybe you definitely know you want an epidural, maybe you’re taking the “wait and see” approach or maybe you just want the epidural during transition, one of the more difficult parts of labor.
For whatever reason, if an epidural may be in your future, this blog post is for you. I hope that by reading this post you will feel more confident in your ability to cope with whatever comes your way.
A Pain Management During Labor Trick
A great tool for pain management during labor is keeping your eyes open during contractions. Better yet, make eye contact with your birth partner!
Friday 9th of October 2020
I don't know if I'm going to be brave enough to keep my eyes open during bouts of pain! Thank you very much for the list of tips
Lindsey VanAlstyne
Wednesday 28th of October 2020
Ha! It does require courage, that's for sure. You're so very welcome!