Here are the top 10 best pregnancy books, some of my favorite pregnancy books, which include information about
- the first and second trimesters
- for dads and partners
- breastfeeding and
- baby care

The Best Pregnancy Books
The wealth of quality information in these top 10 best pregnancy books will set you on the path toward a healthy pregnancy, childbirth and transition to parenthood.
Dig in, mamas (daddies too, of course)!
First Trimester
(Here is the complete list of the best pregnancy books for the first trimester)
When I had my first pregnancy appointment at the OBGYN I was handed a piece of paper about nutrition; things to eat and foods to avoid. There was no conversation, which was so sad to me. This book will definitely fill that gap. If women were taught the knowledge contained in Real Food for Pregnancy and given the resources to make it happen, our world would quite literally be a different place. Backed by well documented research, Nichols helps parents choose the best foods for a healthy pregnancy, natural birth, and happy postpartum. As a childbirth educator, doula, and pregnancy blogger, I’m thrilled to finally have a resource on pregnancy nutrition that I can endorse.
Second Trimester
(Don’t forget to read this list of the best pregnancy books to read in the second trimester.)
Just like Birthing From Within, this book is one of the best selling pregnancy books out there. Why? Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth helps women feel empowered through the birth stories of other women coupled with excellent childbirth education (without using fear based tactics). That is a combination for birthing success!
The first half of the book is childbirth education information… like you’ve never read before. The second half is birth stories of all kinds. One of them is even my very own midwife’s VBAC birth story! You can see pictures of her in Eden’s birth story.
Birthing From Within is a refreshingly holistic approach to childbirth preparation. Instead of simply learning a list of obstetrical facts, the book aims to speak to the whole person – the mother and father – who are becoming parents.
Birth art, pain coping and doing “the next best thing” are common themes throughout the book. If birth art is not you’re thing, skip that part and come back to it later. The rest of the book is amazing, and it is one of the best selling pregnancy books out there. You won’t be disappointed!
The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth
Want evidence based research to help you formulate your own ideas on birth and the medical options that accompany the process? This book is for you.
Need the information in an easy to read narrative with the citations at the end of the book? You’re in business.
This book covers cesareans, breech babies, inducing labor, electronic fetal monitoring, rupturing membranes, coping with slow labor, pain medication, episiotomy, vaginal birth after a cesarean, doulas, deciding on a doctor or midwife. You will learn something new by reading this book – guaranteed!
For Dads and Partners
(Before you go, check out this very detailed list of the best pregnancy books for dads.
If your husband or partner is interested in being a very hands on birth partner, The Birth Partner is a perfect choice. Just like The Doula Advantage, The Birth Partner is required reading for most doulas.
In this book you will learn how to support a pregnant woman through every aspect of birth. Even if you don’t read much of the book ahead of time, or if plans change, this book is easily navigated to access information RIGHT NOW.
My favorite part? I love the illustrations, especially the pictures of labor positions. These pictures are helpful even when supporting someone in labor! I have cracked this book open multiple times when at births which was helpful when trying to come up with new ideas.
(Here’s a complete list of the best breastfeeding books to read during pregnancy.)
The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers
If I had to recommend only breastfeeding book resource, The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers would be it. Some of the focus of the book is on the history of breastfeeding which is so helpful and validating when women are wondering why breastfeeding is such a challenge.
The other portions of the book are “how-to’s” which is really helpful, especially in the beginning, when you’re trying to get a good latch. If you have time, check out the author’s videos online. They’re really helpful about showing you what a good latch looks like.
For more ideas check out this list of breastfeeding books to read during pregnancy.
The Fourth Trimester Companion
“Please place the oxygen mask on yourself before assisting others with the placement of theirs.” This well-known phrase repeated by flight attendants around the world is similar advice new mothers are given after the birth of their babies. Easy to say, difficult to implement.
Exactly HOW is a woman supposed to put priority on recovering from pregnancy and childbirth, in addition to balancing the normal demands of life AND now a newborn? Seems unattainable, especially in our culture of impossible expectations.
The Fourth Trimester Companion gently leads new mothers through the unknowns of postpartum and gives practical advice on how to achieve balancing self-care with everything else that’s going on. If you want to get in the head of a woman that just had a baby but also learn how to make the postpartum experience less stressful and more enjoyable, this is your book.
Parenting/Baby Books
The Baby Book, Revised Edition
The day after my son was born he had very random breathing patterns. My husband was flipping out as this is not normal in adults. We opened this book up and we were very relieved to find out this was very normal!
This book can be read from cover to cover but I found it to be most helpful as a reference book for when things came up. It’s like having your very own pediatrician in your home which is so helpful especially for the new parent.
Have you tried searching for vaccine information on the internet? Holy. Crap. Ola. This is a hot topic among parents no matter where they find themselves on the vaccine debate.
What I loved about this book was unbiased information that made it easy to formulate my own decisions on vaccines.
Throughout this book you will learn about diseases – what they are and how serious they can be, the vaccine – how it was made and administered, and the AAP recommended vaccine schedule.
This makes a tough topic a lot easier to digest.
I love this book so much that I always demonstrate to my childbirth classes the 5 s’s that is taught in the book.
If you’re wanting to learn gentle way to soothe your baby as it transitions to outside of the womb, this book is for you.
You will learn practical skills for soothing your baby that anybody can do – especially dads!
If you’re short on time, the DVD is great too.
Top 10 Best Pregnancy Books
To recap, the top 10 best pregnancy books are: