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Use Mother Rising’s pregnancy tools and resources to stay informed, feel better from common pregnancy ailments, and prepare for labor and delivery.

Free Facebook Group

Join Mother Rising’s FREE Facebook group just for pregnant women! I can’t wait to meet you!

Due Date Tool

Learn how to date a pregnancy for a more accurate due date, reducing the need for unnecessary inductions based on incorrect conception dates.

Pregnancy Decision Making Tool

Use the B.R.A.I.N. acronym to get all the information needed to make informed decisions during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Learning to make informed decisions is so important!

B.R.A.I.N. acronym for labor and birth. Parents can follow the 5 step acronym to get the pros and cons of a test of procedure: Benefits, Risks, Alternatives, Intuition, Nothing.

The Best Pregnancy Books

Book lovers pay attention! Check out Mother Rising’s book lists to stay informed and get inspired. Learn about prenatal nutrition, exercise, childbirth, and postpartum with the best pregnancy books!

Natural Remedies for Pregnancy

Learn about natural remedies to feel better during pregnancy from the first trimester to the final weeks!

Pregnancy Checklists

Looking for a pregnancy checklist to make sure to get things done? Mother Rising has checklists for each trimester.

How Much Water to Drink

Thirsty? Don’t get dehydrated! Dehydration makes morning sickness worse, increases braxton hicks contractions, and just feels really bad during pregnancy. Learn how much water to drink when pregnant to stay healthy and feel great too.

Natural Baby Registry

Use Mother Rising’s natural baby registry for baby gear ideas that are high quality, aesthetically pleasing, and helpful.

Pack a Hospital Birth

Get ready, ladies! It’s time to pack your hospital bag! Check out Mother Rising’s list for what to pack – things for mom, dad, and baby!

Birth Affirmations

Birth affirmations are a wonderful pregnancy tool to prepare the mind for the challenges of an upcoming delivery. Repeating encouraging phrases during pregnancy and childbirth help decrease anxiety and fear, but also help parents to feel more confident and courageous at the task at hand. Check out Mother Rising’s birth affirmations!

(Psst – I also have some free birth affirmations too.)

VBAC Planning Tools

Planning for a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)? Check out Mother Rising’s tips for planning a VBAC, VBAC books, and how to plan for a VBAC in your community.

Want more? Here are Mother Rising’s latest posts for more pregnancy tools and resources for a healthy pregnancy, natural birth, and happy postpartum.